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Moving and Relocation


Sacramento State (the University) is authorized, depending on the availability of funds, and other considerations, 协助当前加州州立大学(CSU)员工和其他必须搬迁以接受大学工作的个人合理和必要的搬迁和搬迁费用. All aspects of this program conform to 科罗拉多州立大学搬家和搬迁费用支付或报销的内部程序 and apply under the following circumstances:

Current Employees

由于工作任务的变化,当前任命机构要求员工更改其永久居住地, 促销活动, or other reason deemed to be in the best interest of the CSU.

雇员的新主要工作地点必须比原主要工作地点离雇员以前的主要住所至少远50英里. 在对雇员造成不寻常或不可避免的困难的情况下,任命机构可以授权对该要求进行例外处理.

Initial Appointments

Individuals offered a position within the CSU by an Appointing Authority, 接受此项任命的,可按合理估计的迁居费用领取报酬. 本规定适用于科罗拉多州立大学一个校区的员工接受在另一个科罗拉多州立大学校区的持续任务.

Temporary Appointments


  • 雇员的临时工作地点必须比以前的工作地点离其永久居住地至少50英里. 如果临时任务给临时雇员造成了不寻常的和不可避免的困难,则临时任务的任命机构可以授权对该要求进行例外处理.
  • 在临时任用期间,雇员必须在原工作地点附近拥有永久住所.

临时搬迁津贴不会自动发放给每一位符合上述要求的临时任用员工. The determination of who is to receive such an allowance, and the amount of any such allowance, 须由委任当局根据《澳门博彩公司》第H节的规定作出 科罗拉多州立大学搬家和搬迁费用支付或报销的内部程序.

Monetary Thresholds of Authority

招聘部门搬迁和搬迁费用必须获得书面批准 Request to Authorize Moving & Relocation Assistance form 之前 to extending an employment offer. 核准的工作人员和行政人员职位申请必须提交人力资源厅. 批准的教师职位申请必须提交给教师晋升办公室.

搬家和搬迁援助的金额和其他相关细节必须在工作邀请信中列出. 搬家和搬迁费用需要以下级别的审批官员:

数量/Approval Level

  • Up to $10,000: Dean/Associate Vice President
  • $10,001-$15,000: Vice President or Provost
  • >$15,000: President

Any exceptions exceeding the monetary threshold outlined in the 科罗拉多州立大学搬家和搬迁费用支付或报销的内部程序 必须由校长批准的行政人员或由校园校长批准的校园员工.

Payment Options for Moving and Relocation Expenses and Taxation

  • 一次性 -合理估计搬家和搬迁费用,不需要证明文件. Allowable moving expenses are considered taxable income under BOTH federal and California tax law. 一次性付款是方便支付员工搬家相关费用的首选方式.
  • Reimbursement -将收据或发票详列,以证明已支付合理的开支,并交回大学报销. Qualified Moving Expenses 在联邦所得税中被视为应税工资,但在加州免税吗. 其他允许的移动费用都受到联邦和加州的税收减免.

Whether the University provides assistance on a 一次性 or Reimbursement basis, received funds must be used for expenses allowed by the policy. 接受搬家和搬迁援助的人可能希望咨询税务专业人士.

Timeline to use Moving and Relocation Assistance

员工在入职之日起最多有一年的时间来使用和申请他们的搬家和搬迁拨款. Exceptions to this timeline must be authorized by the campus President. 按照既定的会计惯例以及州和联邦条例,延迟使用这些资金进行搬迁和重新安置可能会涉及税收问题.

Payment Process for Moving and Relocation Assistance

支付给员工的一次性付款和报销款项不得超过其工作录用信中概述的授权美元金额. 员工应按照以下步骤获取授权搬迁援助费用:


  1. 员工获得由招聘部门授权并包含在工作录用信中的搬迁和安置分配.
  2. 薪资服务发放付款,较少适用的联邦和加州州税.
  3. 一次性 check is issued to employee AFTER the employee’s start date, but no later than the first two pay cycles. The check will be separate from the employee’s regular paycheck.


  1. 员工获得由招聘部门授权并包含在工作录用信中的搬迁和安置分配.
  2. Employee incurs expense(s) by paying vendor(s) directly.
  3. Expenses shall not exceed 60 calendar days, which begins on date of earliest claimed expense, and after receipt of job offer letter.
  4. 编制文件,以支持发生和支付的费用,并转发一个 claim form to Accounts Payable & 旅游(
  5. Accounts Payable & Travel audits submitted documentation, determines claim reimbursement amount and forwards to Payroll Services.
  6. 薪资服务发放付款,较少适用的联邦和加州州税.
  7. 报销支票(或直接存款)在员工入职后发给员工, and no sooner than their first regular paycheck. The check will be separate from the employee’s regular paycheck.

Repayment of Moving and Relocation Assistance

已获得搬迁和/或搬迁费用经济援助但不再继续在大学工作的员工, 至少两年(除非因死亡而终止雇佣), disability, 或任命机构确定的超出员工控制范围的其他类似意外原因), 应按所支付的搬迁和/或搬迁费用的以下百分比偿还大学:

  • 100% if employed less than 6 months.
  • 75% if employed at least 6 months but less than 12 months.
  • 50% if employed at least 12 months but less than 18 months.
  • 25% if employed at least 18 months but less than 24 months.

To initiate a repayment, submit an invoice request formBursar's office.

Moving and Relocation CSU Contracted Vendors

The CSU has contracts with household moving companies that offer discounted pricing. Current or prospective employees will initiate services, pay the vendor directly and seek reimbursement from the University when applicable.