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Executive Orders & Complaint Forms FAQ

Title IX

歧视和骚扰会直接或间接地影响个人的工作和学习能力. 大学的政策是为所有学生和员工保持一个没有歧视和歧视性骚扰的学术和工作环境. 大学认真对待所有有关歧视的报告,并彻底审查每一份投诉. Additionally, the University prohibits retaliation taken against a student or employee who has or is believed to have opposed harassment or discrimination; filed a complaint about such practices; or participated in a discrimination or harassment process. 报复包括有理由阻止个人反对或投诉此类行为的不利行为. The policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and retaliation apply to all programs, activities, employment practices and operations of the University. 这些政策适用于所有学生和员工因其就业或教育或学术地位而产生的行为, as well as the conduct of all guests, visitors, vendors, contractors, subcontractors and others who do business with Sacramento State.

What is a Protected Status?

Protected Status includes Age, Disability (physical or mental), Gender (or sex), Genetic Information, Gender Identity (including transgender), Gender Expression, Marital Status, Medical Condition, Nationality, Race or Ethnicity (including color or ancestry), Religion or Religious Creed, Sexual Orientation, and Veteran or Military Status.

How Do I Report Incidents of Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation?

Complaints by students: Current Complaint Policy and Procedure

Complaint Form: DHR Complaint Form

Complaints by faculty, staff, third-parties: Complaint Policy and Procedure: Current Complaint Policy and Procedure

Complaint Form: DHR Complaint Form

You may also submit complaints via email at

How Do I Report Sexual Misconduct, Dating/Domestic Violence or Stalking?

The CSU prohibits Harassment of any kind, including Sexual Harassment, as well as Sexual Misconduct, Dating and Domestic Violence, and Stalking. 这种不当行为违反了大学的政策,也可能违反了州或联邦法律. Reports of Sexual Misconduct, 约会/家庭暴力或跟踪可能以同样的方式报告歧视, Harassment and Retaliation are made.

Complaints by students:

Complaint Policy and Procedure - Current Policy

Complaint Form: Complaint Form

Complaints by faculty, staff, third parties:

Complaint Policy and Procedure: Current Policy

Complaint Form: Complaint Form

You may also submit complaints via email at

Please see the Title IX page for more information at Sac State Title IX

What is a Whistleblower Complaint?

总统指定机会均等办公室接受雇员的投诉, Former Employees, 以及希望举报涉嫌不当政府活动的申请人. Executive Order 1115 (article II, § G) defines Improper Governmental Activity, reportable as a Whistleblower Disclosure, as activity that:

  1. Is in violation of any state or federal law or regulation, including, but not limited to, corruption, malfeasance, bribery, theft of government property, fraudulent claims, fraud, coercion, conversion, malicious prosecution, misuse of government property, or willful omission to perform duty, or
  2. 是经济上的浪费,还是涉及严重的不当行为、无能或效率低下. For the purposes of this policy, “不当政府活动”包括对健康或安全的重大威胁以及非法命令。.

How Do I File a Whistleblower Complaint?

CSU, Sacramento Administrator

To make a complaint to the CSU Administrator, contact:

The Office for Equal Opportunity
California State University, Sacramento
Del Norte Hall 2005
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819
Phone: (916) 278-5770

Chancellor’s Office

To make a Complaint to the CO, the Complaint must be submitted to the Vice Chancellor, should be marked “Confidential” and addressed to:

Vice Chancellor of Human Resources
Equal Opportunity and Whistleblower Compliance Unit
Systemwide Human Resources
Office of the Chancellor
401 Golden Shore
Long Beach, California 90802

State Auditor

You may also file a complaint to the State Auditor by contacting:

California State Auditor
P.O. Box 1019
Sacramento, CA 95812
Fax: (916) 322-2603
Whistleblower Hotline: (800) 952-5665
加利福尼亚州审计员不接受电子邮件投诉,但您可以提交投诉 online.

Whistleblower Complaint Instructions:

投诉鼓励以书面形式提交给校园校长指定的适当管理员. 投诉可向校园或行政主任提交,但必须在投诉人知道或应该知道所指控的不当政府活动后不迟于12个日历月提交. Complaints may be submitted using the EO 1115 Complaint Form, or may be submitted in writing, orally, or anonymously but should include the following information:

  1. The name and contact information of the Complainant (i.e., mailing address, email address, and phone number), 投诉人的CSU职位、头衔或与CSU的关系(如果投诉人是第三方).
  2. 本行政令所界定的所谓不当政府活动的详细说明. 描述应包括涉嫌从事不当政府活动的雇员或官员(“被申请人”)的姓名和职务。.
  3. The date(s) the alleged Improper Governmental Activities occurred.
  4. Other potential witnesses to the alleged Improper Governmental Activities, the facts known by each, and if possible, their contact information.
  5. 任何支持不当政府活动指控的文件. 个人不应试图获取他们无权查阅的文件.
  6. 支持不当政府活动指控的文件描述, if the actual documents are not in the possession of the Complainant.

Whistleblower Retaliation Complaint instructions:

The CSU prohibits Retaliation by any Employee of the CSU against Employees, Former Employees, and Applicants for CSU employment for having made a Protected Disclosure.

Retaliation against an Employee, former Employee, 申请人行使本条例下的任何权利,将被视为另一个问题,并涵盖在 Executive Order 1116, 标题为《澳门博彩公司》下披露受保护信息的报复指控投诉程序》. 报复性投诉可向总统指定的适当行政官员提出, a supervisor/manager, or the Chancellor’s Office (see contact information above). 报复投诉必须在最近指称的报复行为发生后12个日历月内收到.

Whistleblower Retaliation complaints may be submitted using the Whistleblower Retaliation Complaint Form and must be submitted in writing and include:

  1. The Complainant's name, position title or position applied for, mailing address, phone number, and email address.
  2. 对导致所谓报复的原始受保护披露的详细描述, 包括涉嫌参与不当政府活动的负责雇员的姓名和职务.
  3. 向其报告不当政府活动的个人姓名, and the date and manner of the disclosure.
  4. A description of the alleged actual or attempted retaliatory actions, including the date(s), 涉嫌参与报复的雇员的姓名和职务, and an explanation of the reasons why those actions constituted Retaliation.
  5. A list of witnesses to the alleged actual or attempted retaliatory actions, including their names, positions, contact information, and the facts known by each.
  6. Copies of any documentary evidence that supports the Retaliation Complaint.
  7. A dated, 投诉人在作伪证罪处作出的宣誓声明,证明报复投诉属实或投诉人认为投诉属实.

What is the CA Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA)?

On July 21, 2017, 加州虐待和忽视儿童报告法案(CANRA)修正案生效. As a result, the CSU Chancellor's Office has released the revised Executive Order 1083, “Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect,” to provide direction on the implementation of CANRA. 《澳门博彩公司》规定了“被授权报道”虐待或忽视儿童的人的法律义务.

For purposes of this policy, all CSU employees are designated mandated reporters. As a designated mandated reporter, 雇员须在其专业能力范围内,或在其受雇范围内观察或了解某人时,报告怀疑虐待或忽视儿童的情况, under the age of 18 years, 他们知道或有理由怀疑是儿童虐待或忽视的受害者.

How Do I Report Child Abuse & Neglect?

员工必须立即或尽快报告涉嫌虐待或忽视儿童的情况,拨打916-278-6000与萨克拉门托州警察局联系. 员工还必须在36小时内向大学警察提交报告(SS 8572). Once employees have made the reporting phone call, they can fill out the reporting form here to provide to the designated police officer. In addition, all CSU employees are now required to sign an acknowledgment form, 哪些陈述雇员知道他/她的法律报告义务和遵守法律的必要性.

The Office for Equal Opportunity, 能否协助员工解决有关报告职责的问题. OEO can also help employees complete the incident form. The Office for Equal Opportunity can be reached at or 916-278-5770.